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Hypnotherapy (Retired) - Personal Hypnotherapy Sessions Are No Longer Offered

How well does hypnosis work?  A Comparison Study:
Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions
Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions
Hypnotherapy 93% recovery after 6 sessions

- American Health Magazine

Using the power of hypnosis, you will stop smoking, stop drinking, lose weight, remove phobias, gain unlimited confidence and motivation, and now change your life forever!

Hypnosis is an extraordinary state of mental, physical, and psychological relaxation that makes the subconscious mind more suggestible to the non-critical acceptance of ideas, concepts, and information.


You have the power within you to create the life that you want to lead. You can make your life as happy as you want it to be. Good health, loving relationships, self-confidence, career success, and fulfillment can be yours. All it takes is the willingness to change and take that first step towards control over your destiny. You are a unique individual. Your experiences have shaped you into who you are today. Throughout your life, you have learned many things that have helped you to survive and grow. You may also have acquired habits and problems that you want to be free from. Hypnotherapy can enable you to draw upon your inner resources and bring you those things that are most important to you.

Although hypnosis has been used by doctors for centuries, Milton Erickson, MD, developed it into a sophisticated method for bringing about lasting and beneficial change. At any moment, you are consciously aware of between five and nine items of information. Everything else inside you - your memories, habits, beliefs, values, and bodily functions such as the replacement of cells, heartbeat, and the digestion of food - takes place at a subconscious level. The hypnotherapist accesses these inner resources, communicates with the subconscious mind, and tailors the therapy to bring about the positive changes that you now desire.

Every problem was once a solution. At some time in your life, the "problem" achieved something positive for you. Hypnotherapy helps you, at a subconscious level, to develop new and better ways of achieving that positive intention than through the "problem" behavior. It brings rapid and effective change, achieving beneficial results in the here and now. You will find that your mind and body can become more comfortable and relaxed than you may have imagined possible.

Hypnotherapy works upon the principle that the mind and body are one system. Emotional and psychological problems often have physiological manifestations, and physical illness is often closely linked to negative mental states. Hypnotherapy will help your mind and body use their natural resources for healing and growth. Some problems that hypnosis can solve:

· smoking, gambling, drug-taking, excessive drinking,
  and other unwanted habits;
· phobias and fears, stress, anxiety, anger, depression,
  and other negative emotional states;
· excessive weight, and conditions such as anorexia
  and bulimia;
· physical ailments such as chronic pain, skin diseases, and auto-immune
· increase self-confidence and motivation;
· reduce panic attacks and insomnia;
· improve memory recall, test scores, and sports performance;
· and many, many more.

Hypnotherapy is often integrated with Metaphysical Counseling and this is really the deepest type of guidance available. It absorbs the whole person—their soul self, mental and astral self, and physical self and environments—into the process of reflection, understanding, and arriving at the best pattern or approach for the circumstances.

It includes deep psychology in the nature of the subconscious and layers of the subconscious that are often completely hidden but powerfully contribute to behavior and reaction, and the more intuitive levels of the inner mind that are always there but need a clear subconscious and consistent practice to bring forth.

Gestalt Therapy is often integrated into Hypnotherapy. Gestalt Therapy is an existential approach that is grounded in the here and now; emphasizes that each person is responsible for his or her own destiny; and respects the client as the best expert on themselves. Gestalt Therapy is a phenomenological approach that focuses on the client's perception of reality; aims to increase awareness both of self and of interconnectedness with others; and works with the 'what is'; change results from being more fully oneself. Gestalt Therapy is a dialogical approach that the therapist is an active participant in the process; Gestalt is known as ‘therapy without resistance’. The client's pace, priorities, and creative adjustments are respected. The therapist is willing to not have the answers, to sit with the client in the ‘creative void’, allowing something new and surprising to emerge. Gestalt Therapy is a holistic approach because the wider field is taken into account; past, present, and future, the individual, family, and culture; there is also a focus on integration – reowning all parts of self. And Gestalt Therapy is a practical approach where the emphasis is on experiential learning rather than interpretation or cognitive insights: how rather than why; creative experiments are used to embody abstract, generalized ideas, and past memories and future projections are brought into the present so they can be worked with directly.

During your first visit, Dave Hill will explain to you "How The Mind Works," in which you will learn how hypnosis works, and why it is better than using human willpower alone. Each session is usually 60 minutes in length. Even though hypnosis is a very powerful process that has helped thousands of Americans to make the kinds of changes that they want to make in their lives, hypnosis is not mind control. For example, no one, not even the very best hypnotist, could make you lose weight or stop smoking if you really do not want to. Nor can a hypnotist accurately predict how many sessions it will take to bring results. Most people (but not everyone) begin to experience the benefits from the very first session.

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